Choosing an experienced drug crime defense attorney can help you to have an effective defense and get charges dropped. A drug defense attorney will examine your case from different angles and develop a strategy that will get the best possible results for you. Depending on the specific charge, the strategy may include expunction, suppression of evidence, and more. You may be able to get your charges dismissed, or you may be eligible for a diversionary program that will allow you to avoid jail time and a criminal record. Visit https://www.virginiacriminaldefenseattorneys.net/drug-crime-defense-attorney/ to find skilled and good crime lawyers in Virginia.
If you are charged with drug crimes, the penalties can be extremely serious. Depending on the type of drugs you are charged with, you could face prison time or significant fines. You may also be unable to obtain certain employment opportunities. These charges may also impact your ability to get your driver’s license. It’s important to contact an experienced drug crime defense attorney as soon as possible. Having an attorney on your side means you will have a voice in the criminal justice system, and that can be critical in the long run.
Drugs include heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and more. They may also include paraphernalia, such as prescription drugs, drugs used to consume a drug, or anything used to manufacture a drug. When you are arrested for a drug crime, you are charged with possession or trafficking of a drug. If you are convicted of a drug offense, you could face serious penalties, including fines and a felony conviction on your record.
Depending on the type of drug you are charged with, you may be able to qualify for a diversionary program that will let you avoid jail time and a criminal record. You can also qualify for a probationary program that will allow you to receive treatment instead of jail time. However, you must contact an attorney as soon as you are arrested. The penalties for drug offenses can be severe, and you should not try to deal with them alone.
Drug trafficking charges include many different charges, including possession of drug paraphernalia and intent to distribute. If you are convicted, you could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000. This is why you need an experienced drug crime defense attorney on your side. An experienced attorney can help you fight against drug paraphernalia charges, and can also help you challenge the evidence that police collected.
If you are convicted of trafficking cocaine, you could be facing a felony charge that carries a sentence of 15 years to life in prison. You may also face fines of up to $250,000. You may also be facing penalties for trafficking over 400 grams of cocaine, which is a category A felony. Depending on the circumstances, you may also face charges for selling or manufacturing drugs.
An experienced drug crime defense attorney will work to reduce charges, expunge your record, and help you to avoid prison. The process can be lengthy and complicated, but an attorney can help you to navigate the system and take advantage of every opportunity.